What's Going on Here?
I noticed this all the way back 1997 (I think it was), when they began building the "Police Operations Center" in Colorado Springs.
Here was this huge hole I came upon one day as the traffic had been diverted do to the construction. I looked into that hole, and it was DEEP, REALLY, REALLY DEEP! It was MORE than (7) Stories and an insider told me there were more levels than (7).
If you ask the construction workers (they seem to have a "scripted reply" ) that, - "Oh those lower levels are for plumbing and utilities".
This is not a UNIQUE phenomenon, as I saw a number of projects in (Eaglerock, CA. Downtown Los Angeles, CA. Glendale, CA.) as some examples. All of these projects had one common theme friends and that was they had MANY levels going deep into the underground.
I covered (some of this) previously in my articles about the Subway System in Los Angeles and what they discovered under the (Metro Building) in downtown Los Angeles which is connected to the Main Public Library.
See "The Fall to 9-11"
*See Also -
Area 51 (They came up from the ground).
Ancient Tunnel system discovered under Los Angeles.
Cappadocia (Ancient City) underground.
Ancient tunnel system connects England to Europe and connects Europe to Turkey and beyond.
Robots, Holograms, Deep Fakes, AI, Androids, Clones / transhumanism.
In another related link there's a "Whole Foods" in NY that you CANNOT ENTER if you don't have the "RFID" chip or Covi Pass you're not allowed in the store. Also, they do not accept physical dollars you can ONLY use your phone or a credit card to pay.
I'm NEVER going to get a vaxx and I'm NEVER going to have a chip implanted in me! Either one are the "Mark of the Beast" or any other name you'd like to give it it's the same BS!!
This is a "RED LINE" in the sand for me.