Personal Dynamics
For reference purposes on spirituality, metaphysics and Quantum Concepts our community is here for you.
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We Were Duped - NOW it's Being Exposed!?

In the early days of the #plandemic I went shopping wearing a mask and rubber gloves. It wasn't to protect me but my fellow humans as I didn't want anybody to get sick.

I was duped and fell for it ALL hook + line and sinker. But you know what, that's okay. I think we've ALL fallen for something or another at one time or even MANY TIMES in our lives.

We're NOT perfect and it's our own innerstanding to realize where we failed to tow the line for not listening to our intuition, that was one situation.

Once we're aware of these cases we make amends for our error but even MORE IMPORTANT. We do our due diligence to help others and help them increase their own awareness of these fallacies and hopefully prevent them from falling into the hole we just crawled out of.

We're ALL here to help each other, to grow, to teach and to learn as NO one has the FULL PICTURE ONLY "God"!

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Intro Video

The intro is a reminder that part of the revenue we collect is from our FANTASTIC "Books" (of which there are 11 of them currently). A (%) of the revenues collected are used for various projects or they're the FUNDING MECHANISM for our various projects.

Digital Deep Fake EVERYTHING!!

Robots, Holograms, Deep Fakes, AI, Androids, Clones / transhumanism.

Stay on Top of This Stuff Guys:

In another related link there's a "Whole Foods" in NY that you CANNOT ENTER if you don't have the "RFID" chip or Covi Pass you're not allowed in the store. Also, they do not accept physical dollars you can ONLY use your phone or a credit card to pay.

I'm NEVER going to get a vaxx and I'm NEVER going to have a chip implanted in me! Either one are the "Mark of the Beast" or any other name you'd like to give it it's the same BS!!

This is a "RED LINE" in the sand for me.

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