"Personal Dynamics, it's about, 'You', Your World, Your Universe"!
From the moment of my birth until now, I have seen, heard and had hands on "experiences" (many of which were of an unexplained nature). One may call them "paranormal, supernatural or beyond belief". Regardless, I feel that this was to shape my awareness and scope that there is and ALWAYS has been "something more" to our world, the universe in which we reside and ourselves, than meets the eye.
These experiences helped shape and give credence that I had a healthy - "World View" to what some may call the "Behind the Scenes" insight into what was and is REALLY GOING ON in our neck of the woods, so to speak.
So, this laid the groundwork for creating this wonderful community and the various projects stemming from our work. It's about discovery, realization and creating the world (or more so re-creating the world) the way it was long ago. Re-creating it the way it SHOULD BE and not in accordance with the agendas of the "Controllers" of the world and their "Unseen Directors". Those who want to continue down this road, which has only brought continued misery and suffering.
We're ALL on this "Path" of self-discovery and personal revelation. It is as I feel one, we can find and discover common ground, that when it comes to our families and communities, we have common interests that despite distance (for example) brings us together.
So welcome, I appreciate all of you and I'm grateful to have you all here.
Feel FREE to dive in and share your MOST "AUTHENTIC SELVES" uncensored and FREE to do so.
Robots, Holograms, Deep Fakes, AI, Androids, Clones / transhumanism.
In another related link there's a "Whole Foods" in NY that you CANNOT ENTER if you don't have the "RFID" chip or Covi Pass you're not allowed in the store. Also, they do not accept physical dollars you can ONLY use your phone or a credit card to pay.
I'm NEVER going to get a vaxx and I'm NEVER going to have a chip implanted in me! Either one are the "Mark of the Beast" or any other name you'd like to give it it's the same BS!!
This is a "RED LINE" in the sand for me.