About "Balenciaga", Michael Borremenn, Lota Volka and Recent Revelations:
Child and Human Trafficking
More than a 100 arrested in Child Trafficking Sting
More Than a 176 Arrested in Human Trafficking Sting in Hillsborough
Those are just a hand full of the hundreds of thousands of articles and videos one can pull up on (Child and Human Trafficking).
I feel the light has been shed upon these things (including slavery and human sacrifice) which has actually been going on since ancient times.
Did we think or feel that because we became "civilized" that these things just went away?
NO, simply put they went underground and became hidden in modern society. I feel God has shed a light on these dark / evil practices. That it is up to us to shine our light and expose, the dark ...
Robots, Holograms, Deep Fakes, AI, Androids, Clones / transhumanism.
In another related link there's a "Whole Foods" in NY that you CANNOT ENTER if you don't have the "RFID" chip or Covi Pass you're not allowed in the store. Also, they do not accept physical dollars you can ONLY use your phone or a credit card to pay.
I'm NEVER going to get a vaxx and I'm NEVER going to have a chip implanted in me! Either one are the "Mark of the Beast" or any other name you'd like to give it it's the same BS!!
This is a "RED LINE" in the sand for me.