Natural vs Synthetically Modified Humans / Homoborgenesis -
Referencing this information will be very vital (for the coming months and years / potentially decades) and what you (as a natural human) need to know. If you wish to continue being considered a "Natural Human" one born and created in the image of God.
The purpose of the dialogue is to reference (material and facts) that have only recently been revealed to the general public en mass.
However, my observations, investigations and research information go back decades (as I was already researching the events and relative information). What has been revealed en mass over the course of the past few years only verifies and validates that my work is on target.
Purely for the sake of the discussion it was only for a lack of innerstanding the complete agenda of the controllers and a lack of terminology.
A fundamental basis of WHAT a "Synthetic Human" or "Homoborgenesis" looks and acts like is based upon several factors:
*Their behaviors, attitudes and outlook.
*Their "Worldview", general morals, ethics and level of personal responsibility and accountability.
*The number of "addictions, attachments", "Inhibitors", etc within the receptor sites on the human dynamic.
These are just a few of the Energetic Points we look at when conducting our investigations and observations.
Based upon the "Bovis Chart", one can now pinpoint or see these Synthetic Humans. -
For the sake of the document (I will refer to the person discussed herein) as "Patient 0" for the reader to draw their own conclusions of the people around and within their own families and communities.
Patient 0 was someone I thought was a good person. It wasn't until after spending a number of years of close proximity to them, they began to show and reveal their true colors.
The really "eye opening" events came in recent years where Patient 0 showed non-human attributes that were beyond abnormal, highly strange, unusual and just out right wicked!
For Example -
Patient 0 would eat rotten meat that even our dog would turn away from. They would also consume sour milk (that had sat for 12, 15 or even 17 hours) on the counter. This is one example of something that in a natural human would result in food poisoning! Potentially a visit to the hospital.
Patient 0 blamed and used her own husband (like a "Scapegoat" ) blaming him to cover up her own fears, inadequacies, crimes and control she tried to implement upon me.
Patient 0 did things that were out right evil and wrong that revealed her true colors. Because of her hatred (of homeless and / or poor people) she was BANNED as in FOREVER from one of the local "churches".
There was a BBQ the church was having, and we found out Patient 0 had not been invited (and by default) we weren't allowed to attend either?
My friend and I were confused by this as we hadn't done anything wrong to warrant such a response, so we wanted to get down to the bottom of it.
We ran into the pastor later on and he told us that, - "we could come, just DON'T bring or let Patient 0 know, or you'll ALL be asked to leave", - this confused us. Patient 0 and her husband had been attending this church and they were the ones who introduced us to it, so WHY such a DRASTIC response?
The pastor explained they had had an event (where ministers and pastors) from all over the country were going to be attending.
The parishioners were providing food and drinks for the party after wards. Patient 0 brought pickles and olives. After the event had ended (the pastor related to us). The congregation had decided they'd take the remainder of the food and donate it to a local homeless shelter.
Patient 0 reaction was LIVID and her response to the decision was revolting. "I'm not going to let good food go to those dirty, disgusting people, fck that and fck you for suggesting this" was Patient 0 response.
The pastor made an even more SHOCKING and DISTURBING revelation as he had seen her face when the announcement was made. He said her face seemed to "change" as if literal "demons" had taken control of her as she had a look of disgust at helping simple homeless and poor people, WHY?
Needless to say, her OUT BURST in front of not only MOST of the congregation, but ALL the pastors and minsters along with their wives attending the event. This is WHY she had been BANNED FOREVER from that church.
It's ironic (as well as SHOCKING) that we found out later AFTER further investigations that Patient 0 had been BANNED from two other local churches. She was BANNED from her own hometown (where she had been born and raised) and had a warrant for her arrest from a small town in Texas, where she had committed fraud and had been convicted of the crime. She had skipped town BEFORE the sentence could be carried out.
In conclusion these are pinpoints of the VAST DIFFERENCE and DISTINCTION between Natural Humans and WHO we call - "Synthetic Humans" or Homoborgensis.
Reference Material and Related Links
*Calculating and Collecting - Stay Tuned
Robots, Holograms, Deep Fakes, AI, Androids, Clones / transhumanism.
In another related link there's a "Whole Foods" in NY that you CANNOT ENTER if you don't have the "RFID" chip or Covi Pass you're not allowed in the store. Also, they do not accept physical dollars you can ONLY use your phone or a credit card to pay.
I'm NEVER going to get a vaxx and I'm NEVER going to have a chip implanted in me! Either one are the "Mark of the Beast" or any other name you'd like to give it it's the same BS!!
This is a "RED LINE" in the sand for me.